Postal System (PS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Postal System (PS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain /


Desktop Database Application

Abstract/Introdu ction

Pakistan Post is the main source of communication for individuals, government organizations and business community. It provides many domestic and international services including mail, documents, packets and parcels, Money orders delivery etc. It provides these services in many categories, for example, ordinary mail, Urgent Mail Service (UMS) etc. in case of “Mail” and Urgent Money orders, Fax Money orders and Electronic Money orders in case of “Money Order”. The idea is to develop a computerized desktop based application that can be deployed to any Post office or Mail collection point to replace their manual system.


Functional Requirements:

A set of functional requirements of the proposed system may include the following.

  1. There must be login process for administrator and authorized users to avoid unauthorized access to the software.
  2. The system must be able to store data about different services
  3. The system would be able to store revenue generated from each type of service
  4. The system would be able to store the records of each person who want to post the service (Mail, Money order, documents etc.)
  5. The system would be able to store the records of each person who receive the service (Mail, Money order, documents etc.)
  6. The system should be able to keep record of destination (Country, City etc.) of each service
  7. The system would be able to print the report (weekly, monthly, yearly) of revenue
  8. The system would be able to print the report of services based on categories
  9. Any other report necessary for the problem domain

Note: Students are supposed to visit the problem domain and understand the problem and gather the functional requirements not understandable from the given above.


SQL Server 2008, VB, VB.Net etc.

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