Rent a Car Mobile App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Rent a Car Mobile App Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Mobile Application
Abstract/ Preface
The purpose of this android mobile app is to give such a platform which will make the hunt for a auto more effective so that it can be rented by the stoner. Originally, this platform will unite several rental companies together, and not every company can and is added to the platform, only those that are vindicated, and that have the right acts and are approved by an director. Therefore, each company registered on the platform can place its buses then, and the stoner, when looking for a particular auto, receives all the results from all the companies that meet the conditions, and he’s formerly assaying and opting the most optimal variant.
Online payment is a necessity currently, because it’s safe and important quicker and handy being in an online terrain, being pre. Still, the stoner also has the occasion to offer a dealer note, so druggies who’ll be looking for buses at this dealer will be suitable to see how well it’s noted and whether it’s worth taking the auto or not after the former stoner experience, which is a plus in the safety of Internet services. Another service available on the platform is to place the auto’s position on the chart as well as the dealer’s office to get a more accurate guideline to reach the destination.
Functional Conditions

1. Crete a enrollment runner for all druggies and each stoner should admit an activation law via dispatch to pierce the app.
2. Stoner can give introductory particular details for enrollment.
3. Stoner must upload its public id card to use the app.
4. Crete a login runner for all druggies and each stoner should use app after successfully subscribing it.
5. Enable social media accounts login installation.
6. Display list of available buses to stoner in the mobile app view.
7. Stoner can elect rent a auto with and without Motorist option.
8. Stoner will elect the asked auto for rent and click book now button.
9. Allows druggies to rent an online auto, and performs the transfer using online payment styles.
10. Produce a rental form that stoner will fill at the time of auto booking.
11. Stoner can see the history of his reimbursement.
12. Use GPS for position shadowing after auto is issued to the stoner.
13. Stoner can edit his profile.
14. Produce a control panel to add companies, to add dealers and to manage buses and rental bookings.
15. Allows dealers/ companies through the control panel to add, edit and remove buses within the platform.
16. Allows the dealers to see all bookings history of a client and total bookings for the auto in the control panel.
17. Allows directors to add further metropolises to a more effective position of auto reimbursement distributors.
IDE Android Studio
Programming language Java Database MySQL/ Firebase/ SQLite

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