Salesman Tracking System Based Mobile App Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Salesman Tracking System Based Mobile App Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Mobile Apps


Abstract / Introduction:

This is a salesman tracking system based on android mobile app. A Salesman can login from the android device (tablet / mobile allocated to him) to access the Mobile app only, he may not able to login from any other tablet/mobile even. If Salesman is at 14-Lawrence road and login to the mobile app and makes entry in the invoice form, then user exact location and time & date should be saved in the database. There should be clear difference between the two places if they are far 10 meters at least. And salesman goes 10 meters far away and his location must change and saved.


Also When Salesman enters a new shop/customer in the customer form and adds its address, then at that time also the exact coordinates of the sales man /shop /customer should be saved in the database to be viewed on Google maps latter by manager. Track each salesman navigation and sales records via GPS tracking. Sale Restriction via company registered android device only.



Functional Requirements:


The functional requirements of this mobile app can be divided into following points.



  1. Each Salesman will be allocated a region (area) inside city / town to sale company products.


  1. The area allocation will be managed by the manager. A manager can create new salesman, can create new area and can allocated or de-allocate area to


  1. The login functionality to the android app by salesman will be dependent on the allocated area/region of the salesman. If salesman is not inside the allocated area then mobile app will not allow him to login into the


  1. A salesman should be able to place sale order of any marketing product to the customer by selecting the Customer Name using android app. The system will save the salesman exact geo coordinates at the time of each sale order


  1. Manager will check the salesman sales history with geo location on Google maps with the accuracy of 10 meter if two customers are located at two different locations at the distance of 10


  1. At the day end manager will be able to see the daily sale report, with different filters like date wise, salesman wise, area wise, customer



Tools:            Android / Xamarin Studio + Java / C# / PHP + MySQL / SQL Lite / Fire Base



Hint Note: Google Maps API licensing will be required after certain per day hits or usage of Google maps (25,000 approximately). So you need not buy this for this project testing. Free up to 25,000 map loads per day. And if daily loads increases by 25,000 then $0.50 USD / 1,000 additional map loads, up to 100,000 daily, if billing is enabled. No additional cost for enabling the billing.

For Further details of Standard and Premium Google Maps services you may check the given above details reference at the link below








Name: Shakeel Saeed



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