School Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

School Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

School Management System Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable



Project Domain / Category Online Web Based Application



Education system outlines the backbone of every nation. Technology can play a very crucial role in streamlining the whole system of education. Exploring the technological approach to education, streamlining education process and spiraling acquaintance amongst students, staff, parents and management becomes essential for today’s fast growing educational environment.


Today every school needs to manage more information than ever before. Without a solid internal infrastructure for teachers, administrators and departments to share data, critical  school and student information can be lost, or worse — communicated incorrectly — leading to a host of problems that can affect your school’s image and endurance. To remain competitive, school needs a simple solution that can run individual functions, connect their entire operation, use the web as a key communication tool and simplify day-to-day operational responsibilities, giving staff more time with students.


The proposed project will be a simple state of the art solution to these problems. Implementing all the operations from basic to advance, it will be a great help for schools at various level to automate their routine tasks including examinations process, grading system, fee payment, student attendance, and news and event management.


Functional Requirements:


School Management System will be a web based online application which is divided into modules and every module providing following tasks:


Module – 1: User Management

Students, parents and teachers will have to register with system to use it. Admin staff member will create account of students, teachers and share account details with them. Parents will be able to register from any location which will be approved by admin.

Module – 2: Class Room Management

Student class information like record of each class and subjects offered in particular class. Students in each class and teachers information for particular class will be maintained in this module. Admin staff will able to maintain information of all courses offered, creation of class like which students are in a particular class, courses offered and teachers who will teach the class.


Module- 3: Examination Management

Exams scheduling, date sheet, and results will be manage in this module. Students, teachers and parents will be able to see the report/result card. Teachers will enter student’s marks through this module and admin will manage exams schedule and date sheet.


Module- 4: Time Table Management

Scheduling of class time, exams date sheet and schedule generation, students will be managed in this module. Teacher will be able to maintain the attendance records of students. Admin will be able to maintain attendance record of teachers and parents will be able to see the attendance of their children.


Module 5: Financial Management

All financial activities like student fee and other financial management will be performed by this module.


Module 6: Announcements and News Management

All announcements and news about any activity like start of classes, holidays, exams etc. will be managed through this module.


Non-Functional Requirements:


This system provide stability of interface on all major browsers and devices, security, user friendly interface and quickly response of any type of information retrieval.



Microsoft.Net, SQL Server



Name: Muhammad Ahmad Lodhi Email ID: Skype ID: ahmad_lodhi


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