Smart Call Management Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Smart Call Management Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Android Mobile App



Call Management application will allow user to analyze his/her call history and block any unwanted call by blacklisting the number. With the help of this application, user can analyze call details (such as dialed calls, received calls or missed calls along with their time stamps and duration). In case of unwanted calls, user can block or mute the caller so that whenever a black listed number makes a call to phone; the application should automatically disconnect the incoming call. The application will allow user to enter the numbers manually to mark it as a blacklist number and also allow user to blacklist any incoming call directly. Furthermore, user can unblock any blacklisted number. A database will be maintained to store these records.


Functional Requirements:

With the help of this application, a user should be able to:


  1. Analyze call details of any particular phone
  2. Add any phone number to block list and make it blacklisted (A database should be maintained for storing blacklisted numbers).
  3. Automatically block the unwanted incoming
  4. View all blacklisted phone numbers stored in the
  5. Delete any blacklisted phone number from block

Student may include additional features to make this application more effective for consumers.


Tools / Technologies: Android Studio



Name: Kanwar Abrar Ahmad     Email ID: Skype ID: kanwarabrar


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