Smart Travel Guide Mobile Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Smart Travel Guide Mobile Application Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain /


Mobile Application (Android)

Abstract /


Now a days mobile phone is a necessary part of the people’s life. There is a continuous rise in number of mobile computing applications, centered on the people’s daily life. Location dependent systems have been noticed as an important application. We propose Smart Travel Guide mobile application which will act as tourist guide system for tourists. Our system takes advantage of lightweighted mashup technology that can combine more than one data sources to create value-added services, while overcomes the limitations of mobile devices.

This is the basic information regarding the project idea. Students are encouraged to read            the      following       research        paper before choosing the project for better and detailed understanding of the proposed system.



  1. Find current location of the user.
  2. Locate in Map (destination location)
  3. Find distance between two locations.
  4. Fetch weather forecast of destination.
  5. Recommend famous attraction points of destination location.

These are basic Functional Requirements. The students are required to add additional functional requirements as per their research.

Tools & Languages:

Android Studio or any other

MySQL / Firebase/ SQLite database

Java / Kotlin

Mashup technology to combine information from different sources.

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