Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Network Traffic Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Network Traffic Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Computer Networks
Abstract/ Preface
The knowledge of network business geste is important for business engineering tasks similar as link capacity planning, business bracket, and anomaly discovery. Business characterization is generally addressed through statistical analysis of individual link (s) and network-wide business volume parcels similar as counts of bytes and packets as well as by assaying the distributional geste of particular packet title fields. This design aims to develop a software result to dissect the network business to identify the spatio-temporal features. The network business captures can be downloaded from the data source given in the tools section. Any other data source can also be used.
Functional Conditions
Scholars will be needed to crack the pcap lines and probe the spatial and temporal features of network business and develop an applicable software result to dissect the business from data sources given in this document.
The software operation should be suitable to
1. Read the pcap lines and prize the title information similar as timestamps, source/ destination addresses, TCP harborage, Packet Size, Type of Packet and other applicable information.
2. Store the uprooted title information in a patient database or textbook train similar as csv.
3. Allow the druggies to resolve the large size pcap lines into lower size grounded on train size and time duration.
4. Identify top overflows ( loftiest outturn) for stoner business and network control aeroplane business grounded on entourages
a. Source and destination with TCP harborage
b. operation type
c. Session length
5. Measure the inflow similarity across diurnal/ daily business captures.
6. Approximate data rate probability distribution for distinct overflows for diurnal business.
7. Approximate interpacket detention distribution on diurnal business.
8. Produce analysis of at least one-week business captures of fifteen twinkles from estimable internet business sources.
Python/ Java, C/ C ( other programming languages could also be used.)
And IDE of choice
Data Source http// mawi/ samplepoint-G/ 2020/

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