Student Registration System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Student Registration System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Web Programing
Abstract/ Preface
Managing scholars’ records using a homemade system is tedious and takes longer to induce different types of reports. Especially when it’s time for new admissions, the homemade enrollment process is a time- consuming and challenging task for scholars and workers. Different tasks like hunt and update take too important time in homemade systems. To overcome this problem, we will develop a web- grounded operation for the pupil enrollment process to increase the vacuity and effectiveness of the process.
Functional Conditions
1. The system should have a stoner enrollment process in order to get login into the system.
2. The system should shoot a four- number verification law to the stoner’s mobile number to produce a stoner account.
3. The system should have a detailed particular information form.
4. The stoner should be suitable to add his passport size image in the particular information form.
5. The system should have a detailed educational information form.
6. Druggies should be suitable to view the eligibility criteria of different programs.
7. Druggies should be suitable to view admission instructions for different programs.
8. Scholars will elect a short course like C, C, and Java or parchment like DIT and DAC or a complete program like Hosts and MIT,etc.
9. The system should have three short courses, two warrants, and two complete programs and their details.
10. Druggies will be suitable to view the duration and figure of all the programs mentioned in point no 9.
11. Admin should be suitable to add, update, and cancel any information regarding courses, warrants, and complete programs through a stoner interface.
12. Admin should be suitable to add, update, and cancel all scholars’ records.
13. After completion of the enrollment process, the system will shoot a successful communication to the pupil along with the enrollment id.
14. All the information shouldn’t be stationary; it should be maintained stoutly through programming.
15. Reports
1. Detail report of a pupil comprised of particular information, educational information, and named program.
2. List of all scholars ( course wise).
3. List of all programs along with duration and figure. Tools & Technologies Preferred tool and technology Java, MySQL

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