To Do List Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

To Do List Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

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Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
To Do List may be an android productivity app with a view to help users to develop list of
ordinary duties on day by day, weekly, monthly or every year foundation on clever smartphone. The app will help users to live prepare and growth performance in their life. It have to contain date and time-based totally reminders for upcoming duties in addition to preserve file of previous duties. This app will facilitate busy humans to keep time and strength all through life at domestic and office.

Functional Requirements:

1. The utility will be capable of sign up new users and allow to Login and
2. The application will be capable of keep consumer’s obligations together with brief description,
date and time.
3. The utility shall be able to remind you approximately self-imposed time limits for the obligations. The reminder should produce alarming sound.
4. The utility will be able to upload tags for the obligations.
Five. The application shall be able to seek your described (enter) obligations together with their details.
6. The application shall be capable of aid enter for bulleted listing in addition to
numbered listing.

1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming Language: Java
three. Database: SQLite / some other DB you like
four. Unified Modelling Language (UML): Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Haseeb Akmal
Email ID: haseebakmal@vu.Edu.Pk
Skype ID: HaseebAkmal

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