Uber for Hotels Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

Uber for Hotels Test phase, srs, design phase and code final deliverable

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Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction
This app permits a consumer to effortlessly discover a appropriate resort room for stay and may be called as Uber for accommodations. Hotels could make their rooms to be had for humans to live. Similarly, if someone visits a town then he/she will be able to use the app to look the to be had lodge rooms (and their functions) inside five KM diameter from its contemporary region. The consumer can reserve a motel room thru the app. The lodge management can check inside the user who has reserved a room and later test him/her out. The option of superior reservation isn’t available in the app and the person ought to test inside the resort room at the identical date he/she has reserved it. Finally, a user can be asked to price the lodge and the inn room and in addition lodge management will price the consumer.

Functional Requirements:

1. Hotel control can sign in its motel via the app.

2. Hotel control can add the rooms available for visitors to stay for a registered inn. For every room, the hotel management desires to enter the following features:
a. Room number

b. Number of beds within the room c. Internet availability
d. Room hire

e. Picture of the room

three. A registered resort can set the reputation of its brought rooms as “available for stay”

while the room is unfastened.

Four. A man or woman can register itself as a person in the app.

Five. A registered consumer can view all the to be had rooms at registered resorts within

5 KM of its cutting-edge region.

6. A registered person can reserve a room with the fame “available for live”.
7. Upon reservation, the fame of the reserved room can be modified from

“to be had for stay” to “reserved”.

8. The inn management will test the user (who has reserved the room) in whilst he/she arrives at the inn for live and the repute of the room may be modified to “checked-in”.
Nine. When the person finishes his/her live at a room in which he/she has checked-in, inn control will take a look at him/her out and the status of the room will become “checked-out”.
10. The hotel control can make the fame of a “checked-out” room as

“available for stay”.

Eleven. A user can charge the resort and resort room within the check-out date.

12. Hotel management can fee the person who stayed inside the room within the take a look at-out date.
Note: The alternative of superior reservation is not available within the app and the person need to check within the motel room on the equal date he/she has reserved it.

Name: Yasar Mehmood
Email ID: apcs2@vu.Edu.Pk
Skype ID: yasar.Mehmood111

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