Urdu Health Recommender System (UHRS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Urdu Health Recommender System (UHRS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category
Information Retrieval
Abstract/ Preface
With the arrival of Machine Literacy and NLP ways, the hunt for searching information over the Internet has been increased. Amongst wide- spread operations of online searching, the healthcare is amongst the top searched areas. For English and some other western languages, a plethora of ways have been designed and developed to give applicable information about electronic complaint information (EDI) to the druggies and recommend them answers related to different conditions, their symptoms, Disease Type, Doctor Advices, and applicable croaker/ adviser consequently. Also, the delivery of accurate and complete information to the cases in an accessible format and language increases his/ her knowledge and changes the way of thinking, which is generally appertained as patient commission.
Still, the being medical affiliated corpuses are in-sufficient for followership whose first language is other than English similar as URDU, Arabic etc. Despite large number of URDU speakers around the world, similar approaches for URDU language are moreover missing or shy. Therefore, there’s a need to develop a corpus and approach to give the stoner’s applicable, accurate and complete information to the druggies in URDU language. In this Design, we aim to develop and design URDU Health Recommender System (UHRS) System substantially targeting complaint information which will be comprised of five attributes that are complaint, complaint type, symptoms, preventives, croaker 411, and applicable adviser/ croaker. As similar, furnishing precious information to druggies for health- related issues, grounded on their particular health biographies, in the form of suggestions, approved by their caregivers, can significantly ameliorate the openings that druggies have to inform themselves online about health problems and possible treatments? In this environment, the proposed design contributes URDU health recommender system that will give the stoner with information related to complaint like complaint name, complaint type, symptoms, and preventives as well as information of an applicable adviser for the complaint.
Functional Conditions
The operation should be suitable to
1. Recoup data about different conditions that includes complaint name, complaint type, symptoms, preventives, croaker 411, and applicable adviser/ croaker from colorful coffers using mining approach
.2. Annotate the recaptured data
3. Restate data into Urdu from other languages like English,etc. if it’s in other than Urdu language
4. Store the annotated and restated (if any) data in the MySQL database.
Tools/ Operation Platform Python Database MySQL

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