vu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016

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end result announced date:- sixteen-05-2014 Due statistics for Submission of HRM619 final challenge undertaking # 02 is 23-05-2016 vu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016 .
The end result of assignment 01 (concept for venture/dissertation) has been declared. The proposals have been evaluated and uploaded at the VULMS of the path. Evaluated proposals have been categorized underneath 3 heads: Rejected,wishesvu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016 development and ordinary/authorised. The scholars whose proposals were customary are allowed to start operating on their very last undertaking/dissertation.
What to do now? Step 1. Start working on your final venture/dissertation according to the instructions given with the aid of the trainer on your evaluated inspiration and meet the cut-off date given for the submission of your final task/dissertation. See vu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016 Semester Calendar. Important: The cut-off date for the submission of final assignment / dissertation will continue to be equal as announced in semester calendar on VULMS. Note: This undertaking is for below stated college students only:
Whose idea submitted in HRM619 very last assignment assignment undertaking # 01 has been REJECTED
Whose notion submitted in HRM619 veryvu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016 last venture mission venture # 01 needs improvement
who have now not submitted thought towards mission # 01
that is to inform you that task 02 (revised thought for undertaking/dissertation) has been given on VULMS for the above stated students only. You vu final project HRM619 Final Project Assignment # 02 2016 need to put up your revised / progressed inspiration towards task#02 earlier than Due Date: might also 23, 2014. Make certain no submission may be entertained through e-mail.