Web based Cognitive Video Learner (CVL) System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Web based Cognitive Video Learner (CVL) System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category
Web Application

Online Education is gaining continuously higher recognition due to severa motives that consists of the ability and comprehensive assessment. With this developments on-line training structures wishes to add an increasing number of functions and functionalities to decorate the gaining knowledge of enjoy and examine the learner‘s information. This challenge is aimed contribute to enhance the cutting-edge on line getting to know practices for Online Educational Programs.

Students are required to plan, design and expand an internet based Video Player that can track a direction video watching and learner attentiveness. Leaner can open any video lecture by way of login to a direction portal. Course Portal will use learner identification facts from registration database that consists of the scholar‘s face seize information.

Once learner is identified with face recognition, course video shall begin. The participant interface will constantly screen the learner s’ webcam and reevaluate the learner ‘s face reputation records while the enormous exchange occurs within the person-Webcam video or schedule based. If the learner is not diagnosed, the gadget will pause course video and upload an occasion to look at history to a database. This facts may be shown on every direction in learner section. Learner want to have the options to restart a course video, resume the course video from where he ultimate left.

Course trainer calls for the capacity to feature quiz at unique components of the video length, once learner watch the video to given quantity or period, video is paused and learner is taken to quiz screen, where learner might be required to answer the questions brought with the aid of the trainer. Leaners regularly need to have the option to skip the quiz, take quiz at the give up or take the quiz at later time.

Teacher is able to see what duration of path has been watched by means of the scholar, and how many quizzes are attempted and their evaluation rankings. Once the learner completes the video, gadget should give recommendation like, need to check, retake quiz, rewatch the direction or lecture video.

Project Guidelines
1. Student can choose any internet programming language or frame paintings to implement the assignment. ASP/PHP and java.
2. Students can use the existing python or java-based totally or some other facial popularity libraries and their integration with their machine.
Three. Students can study approximately facial recognition from https://pypi.Org/task/face-reputation/
4. Students can study greater approximately video streaming the use of python from https://pypi.Org/assignment/pylivestream/
Function Requirements
Student is needed to ensure the subsequent functionalities are to be had in the final assignment. 1.1 Basic Course Portal in which trainer and student can sign in
1.2 Teacher functions:
a. Add route
b. Add video (single /subject matter based totally)
c. Add student/approve scholar
d. View pupil stats
e. View direction lecture or video stats
f. Add/view quiz stats

1.3 Student Functions:
a) Student enrolment to direction
i. Student statistics
ii. Facial Recognition Capture

b) Watch lecture/topic video
i. Pause Lecture/topic video
ii. Resume Lecture/subject matter video

c) Student comments

1.4 System Functions:
a. Lecture/Topic Video Streaming
b. Webcam Video/Picture Streaming
c. Facial Recognition
d. Facial Patterns Database
e. Course/Teacher/Student Stats
f. General Stats
g. Watch History
h. Quiz Evaluation and attempt history
i. Firefox/Chrome Compatibility
j. Mobile Compatibility

Languages: Any Language e.G. PHP / ASP / Java / Python etc.
Frame Work: Any Open supply body-work IDE: Any IDE e.G. Eclipse, Visual Studio, etc.
OS: Any OS
Name: Arif Husen
Email ID: arif.Husen@vu.Edu.Pk
Skype ID: vu.Arifhrashid@outlook.Com

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