Web Based E-Commerce Site Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Web Based E-Commerce Site Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable

Web Based E-Commerce Site Test phase 1, test phase 2, srs, design phase and coding final deliverable



Project Domain / Category Web based e-commerce site




Through the web site, user will be able to buy different products such as cell phones, electronics, jewelry etc. The site will offer shopping cart, different subscription options for membership, and membership discounts.


Functional Requirements:

This site should offer the user a variety of products through proper navigational structure. It means that each product should be listed under the appropriate category. For example the product LED TV should be under the Electronics category. Your site should allow the admin to create any number categories and products but initially it should be showing maximum of 5 to 6 categories. The following points should be strictly followed while developing the site


  1. The content should be visible to everyone (member/non-member)
  2. The site should have a registration/membership page where different types of memberships should be offered to the user
  3. Membership types will include Bronze, Silver and Gold which will offer 5%, 7%, and 10% discount respectively on each product that user will buy
  4. In case of non-member the user should be charged with full price of the product
  5. In case of member user, he/she should be offered discount on the products according to the type of
  6. User should be able to buy a single product or add multiple products into a shopping cart and then buy all at once
  7. In either case, the user will be taken to the checkout page where the user will finalize the purchase of the selected product(s)





HTML, CSS, PHP, Dream viewer, Notepad++, WordPress, Wamp Server, My SQL



Name: Fahad Naseem Email ID: fahad@vu.edu.pk Skype ID: fahad-naseem


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