BNK619-Final Project-Banking

List of Topics BNK619-Final Project-Banking
A list of topics is provided for guidance purpose only. Students have to select a topic on their own according to their interest and area of specialization. However, they MAY select any topic from the given list but are NOT allowed to submit the same work as already submitted by any other student. Make sure that the copied work shall be marked as ‘ZERO.
- Credit Risk Analysis
- Assets and Liability Management by Banks
- Risk Management & Risk Mitigation by Banks
- International Trade by banks
- Micro Financing by Banks
- Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banking
The following guidelines must be considered before selecting an appropriate topic for your BNK619 final project:
Selection of project topic should be made by keeping in view your interest and ability to do quality work on the selected topic.
Make sure that you can easily gather primary data on the selected topic. This is because once you get approval to do final project (through proposal) then you will not be allowed to change your project topic.
The research should not be consisting of only on secondary data; there should be some personal effort while collecting the primary data. So the valid research should consist of both the primary as well as secondary data, but the main focus should be on primary data collection and analysis.
Virtual University has ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for plagiarized work. Such cases are dealt very strictly as per HEC rules.Submission of any fake/forge document is a crime which shall not be excused under any circumstances.
BNK619 Final Project/Project Proposal Writing Service (100 % approval Guarantee)
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