Book Recommender System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Book Recommender System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain /

Category Web Programming

Abstract /


Book Recommender System, recommends relevant book (s) to a buyer/reader, it basically works on the “reader interest”. The main aim of this project is to develop a module which can help any website or application and its readers while recommending relevant books to its readers/buyers. Buyer/reader will provide his/her interest in search bar or in his/her profile which saves time of the buyer/reader as the system will recommend books which are relevant to his/her interest.

Buyer can order a book, view the relevant book contents (which gives an insight to the reader), contact to support staff and admin. When a reader enters the name of a book e.g. Introduction to Computing in search bar, different types of available books recommendations will appear in the right slider of the application.

For the any type of inquiry, reader can contact to the support staff and for profile/password relevant issues, reader can contact to the administrator.

Administrator will verify the availability of the book in stock from the shopkeeper/dealer before entering the receipt. Moreover, buyer/reader can submit his/her feedback about the application, support staff and services e.g. provided recommendation was helpful or not? etc.

Functional Requirements:

Here, following Minimum modules for Book Recommender System

  1. Buyer/Reader Module

In this module, buyer can search a Book according to his/her choice, add to cart the book, place order for book, view recommended book, select recommended book, search for more recommendations and pay money through credit card, cash on delivery, through online banking, generate payment receipt, submit feedback, Contact to support staff etc.

  1. Administrator Module

In this module, administrator will manage the sign up requests from the readers (buyers and support staff), approve /reject their feedback, etc.

  1. Support Staff

Support staff can track order, contact to delivery boy, provide assistance to the buyer, etc.

  1. Apply Filter

In this module reader can filter the books on the basis of the following criteria:

A: Author Name

B: Publish Date

C: Price

D: Field (e.g., Computer Science, Biology, Mathematics, History, English Literature etc.)

Note: Add minimum mentioned categories in the dropdown list of the Field Note: It is advised to attend Sessions for better Guidance and details.


Java J2EE, JServlets, JSP, JSF

HTML, J Query, CSS

IDE Netbeans

MS Visio


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