Chop Chop Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Chop Chop Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Web Programming
Abstract/ Preface
In this period, when covid is each around everyone wants a hassle free appointment system for everything they do in a diurnal life. So, in Chop Chop, our website would allow you to bespeak a near hairstylist shop appointment.
You’ll be handed with all the near and distant hairstylist shops along with their conditions and reviews so that it would be easy for you to decide, and you just do n’t have to blindly trust them.
Functional Conditions
This system will have two druggies Admin and client.
1. Login/ Registration
Admin and client can log in to the system
2. Add Barber Shop Information
Admin will enter all the near and distant hairstylist shop according to your megacity/ area pollutants. And also will write about their services along with their payments.
3. Reserving an appointment
Client can bespeak appointment according to the services they need.
4. Payment system
Client can also pay online through our website and also by hand after their services.
5. Review
After getting services from the hairstylist shop, client can also leave reviews on the website, on the base of which other guests can elect the hairstylist shop coming time.
6. Marketing
Still, they can also partake their link directly from the website to their social media apps, If client likes their services.
C#,. net, Visual Studio, SQL Garçon

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