Easy Buy and Sale Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Easy Buy and Sale Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Category: Web Application

Abstract/ Introduction:

Due to Covid-19’s outbreak, the whole world has gone into lockdown. People around the world are limited to their homes. The shops, banks, transportation, recreational centers, and educational institutes have been closed. The World has turned to technology for maintaining contactless communication. The Easy Buy and Sale system provides the customers fast, secure and reliable services on their door step.

Working mechanism: Any user can apply for registration and can buy and sale products including computer/ accessories, TV, Car, Bike, Fridge, washing machine, AC, Air Cooler etc. Two types of customers are managed by the website admin:


Can only search and view the products over the website and can purchase any available product on discounted rates.

Registered Customer or Client:

Can buy and sale products on the website. In case he she wants to add his or her own product on the website the he or she will be charged 10% to 15% in dollars per transaction.

A costumer can select a product for purchase that will be added to the shopping cart as a customer Order. At this time more information will be asked form the customer like billing address, a shipping address, and payment option such as debit/credit card information or cash on delivery.

Similarly a customer can apply for registration by paying certain registration fee.

Functional Requirements:

  • Admin can take login
  • Admin registers a customer
  • Registered customer can take login
  • Searching (by name, by price, by item color etc)
  • Admin can add/ delete/ update/ search any number of products in the stock
  • Admin can monitor transaction history
  • Admin can cancel or approve customer’s order
  • The Customer will get 5-10 % discount on total bill
  • Registered Customer or Client can add products on website
  • Customer can check his/her order status (approved/Pending/Cancel/delivered)
  • Customer can check his/her order history
  • Customer can submit his/her review about purchased item(s) and can give feedback about website services
  • After successful completion of transaction, user will receive confirmation message and a copy of the shopping receipt on his/her mobile number or in email (you can implement any method as per your easiness) Tools: Students can select any option for tool selection from the following categories. Category 1: Python, MYSQL, SQLite3 (Preferred)

Category 2: PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Note 1: (Optional) for category 1, one of the IDE Jupyetr, VScode, Spyder, Django, Pycharm can be used for writing and running python code.

Note 2: (Optional) for category 2, Dreamweaver framework can be used for writing and running php, html, CSS code.

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