Electricians for Home Services Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Electricians for Home Services Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable


Web Programming

Abstract /


Now a days, there are a lot of electric appliances in our homes such as Air Conditioners, Electric

Fans, Electric Air Cooler, Washing Machines, Dryer Machines, Refrigerator, Electric Heater, Electric Oven, Electric Juicer etc. When these electric appliances are used regularly, these machines often stop working properly and require some maintenance and repair work from time to time. In this scenario, many people face difficulty in finding the expert and professional electricians for repairing their expensive electric appliances quickly and efficiently. Keeping in view the above scenario, this project is focused to fulfil the needs of these people.

This application will help customers to quickly find the expert electricians from nearby locations and according to the needs and requirements of the customers. The system will also be beneficial for electricians as they can find their work easily. This system will reduce time and cost of both customers and electricians. In this application, customers can register, login and view all the available nearby electricians. Customer can filter and select an electrician according to his experience, expertise and previous rating etc. Similarly, electricians can also get customers by registering and logging into the website and setting up their profile. Admin can login, manage electricians, approve new electricians and can remove electricians from the system after unsatisfactory remarks and extreme low rating by the customers. Admin can also check for the registered customers.



There will be three modules of this web application: Admin, Electrician and Customer. Each Customer and Electrician should be registered on the website before getting any service.

  1. Admin Module
    • Admin can login to the system.
    • Admin approves the registered electricians.
    • Admin can manage the electricians (add/ view/ update / delete).
    • Admin can update the electrician details and manage login password.
    • Admin can manage the customers (add/ view/ update / delete).
    • Admin can check the rating given by customers about each electrician.
    • Admin can check average rating for each electrician.
    • Admin can check the remarks given by customers about each electrician.
    • Admin can block an electrician in case of continuous poor rating.
    • Admin can view the customer complaints and take appropriate actions.
    • Admin can generate a report on a monthly basis for the total number of bookings and their successful handling.
  2. Electricians Module
    • Electricians can register and login to the system.
    • Electricians make their profile including their name, work experience, expertise (checklist of machines on which electrician has expert knowledge and work experience), qualification, profile picture and their location.
    • Electricians can view/ update their profile and can update password.
    • Electricians can check the rating given by the customer.
    • Electricians can check any remarks (if given) by the customer.
  3. Customers Module
    • Customers can register and login to the system.
    • Customers can view/ update their profile and can update password.
    • Electricians Search: Customers can search for all relevant Electricians by search filters such as location, work experience, expertise and rating etc.
    • View Electrician: Customers can view all the details (work experience, expertise, rating, other customers’ remarks, location etc.) of any available Electrician in a proper layout on the website.
    • Book an Electrician: Customers can book an Electrician according to his/her needs and choice.
    • Rate Electrician: Customers can give rating to the concerned Electrician after the completion of his required work according to his/her satisfaction.
    • Remarks about Electrician: After the completion of the required work, customers can give any remarks and comments about the concerned


  • Complaint about Electrician: Customers can register complaint about the concerned Electrician to the admin, in case of any serious issues such as electrician’s misbehaviour etc.
  • Pay bill: Upon successful completion of the required work, customers can either pay the amount to the concerned electrician on the spot or can transfer the amount to the electrician’s account number available on his profile.

[Note: Student can add/enhance requirements as per need and keeping the time span and scope in view.] Tools:

ASP.NET, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap, MS SQL Server

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