Food Waste Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Food Waste Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Abstract/ Preface
This Food Waste Management system will help in collecting the leftover food from hospices & caffs to distribute among those in need. NGOs that are helping poor communities to battle against starvation & malnutrition can raise a request for food force from caffs through this operation. Once the request is accepted, the NGOs can collect the food from the caffs for its distribution. In this way Food Waste Management System will help caffs to reduce food waste and will help in feeding the poor and indigent people.
Functional Conditions
In this system, there are three main modules, which are videlicet Admin, Restaurant, and NGOs (Non-Governmental Associations). Each module is connected to others. This system should be stoner friendly, secure and reduces the staff conditions. This system should also be stylish for communicating with the aspirants.
Admin can register using particular details.
Admin can login in his particular account using id and word.
Admin can Add/ Register new Restaurant.
Admin can view list all the caffs available.
Admin can Add/ Register new NGOs.
Admin can view all NGOs.
Restaurant stoner can register using particular details.
Restaurant stoner can login in his particular account using id and word.
Restaurant stoner can view Profile/ Restaurant details
Restaurant stoner can also view orders history (Accepted, Pending and Confirm).
Restaurant stoner can add new food particulars to eatery.
NGO stoner can register using particular details.
NGO stoner can login in his particular account using id and word. NGO view eatery requests
NGO view Other NGOs Profile.
NGO request food from eatery. NGO assign hand for delivery of the food NGO can add new hand.
NGO can modernize hand details.
NGO can view eatery history.
NGO can also view Profile/ Restaurantdetails.
ASP.NET/C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Crystal report, SQL Garçon,

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