Hostel Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Hostel Management System Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Category Desktop Application


Hostel Management System is designed for better interaction between Students, Warden, Staff and Accounts. Hostel Management System handles all the requirements for easy Hostel Management. This software will help the Hostel to centralized the activities and maintain data transparency where needed and properly store data for regular operations and future analysis. Our software will be easy to use for both beginners and advanced users. It features a familiar and well thought out, an attractive user interface, combined with strong searching insertion and reporting capabilities. After completing this project we can check that how many rooms we have in our Hostel, how many students we have in our Hostel, how many rooms are empty, how many rooms are reserved, how many students submit their fee on time and how many students fee are remaining. At last the Hostel Warden can calculate the profit by deducting monthly Bills, Salaries from the total student fee.

Functional Requirements:

  1. Warden
    • Warden can login and logout.
    • Warden take a backup of the Database.
  2. Student Registration
    • In this module warden can add and delete student/teachers.  And assign IDs.
  3. Staff Registration
    • In this module warden can add, delete and delete staff.  And assign IDs.
  4. Accounts
    • In this module accountant manage activities related to student fee, staff salary, student discount, due fee.
  5. Room
    • In this module warden mention room size e.g. Single seater, Double seater, and three seater.
    • In this module warden allocate and de-allocate bed and room to students and have all information about rooms which are reserved and which are vacant and going to be vacant in next few days.
  6. Reports
    • In this module warden can manage
    • Fee Report, Due Fee, Registration, Expenses, Fee Discounts and Profit.
    • There can be daily reports
    • Weekly reports
    • Yearly reports

The system should be able to generate a report of profit on daily, monthly and yearly basis.



Templates (Flask template or any other template) are not allowed to use in this application you need to use python libraries.

For this project you need to visit any Hostel and get full functional and non-functional requirements from the Warden and if you have any ambiguity contact at my Skype id mentioned at the end.


Python is mandatory.


Name: Asadullah

Email ID:

Skype ID: asad.ullah121

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