Integrated E-Medicare Health Services(IEMHS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Integrated E-Medicare Health Services(IEMHS) Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Abstract/ Preface
Encyclopedically, the use of online health services have accelerated dramatically during the coronavirus epidemic. Technology meets health care services veritably well during the COVID 19. But still we donot have an online intertwined service of healthm that give every thing like book an appointment a croaker expert in specific sphere, Home laboratory collection services, patient transfer service (ambulance), home nursing services and online drugstore services under a single marquee.
IEMHS is such an online intertwined health care service providers that can give all these services through a website. So, there’s a need to develop anE-commerce website that helps different health care providers like hospitals/ clinic, pathalogy labs, apothecaries and amblance service providers to get register on IEMHS. The core ideal of the MHS design is to develop a website that facilitates the health care service providers to registers into this web gate and update regarding croakers, screening test, quality drugs etc on compatative and discounted rates with24/7 medical care at home.
Functional Conditions
Director Panel
1. Manage login process to allow the authentic stoner to pierce the admin, case/ client, and health care service providers (like croaker, hospitals/ clinic, drugstore, ambulance transport providers etc).
2. Produce and manage their account.
3. Keep the record of health care providers (like name, croaker figure, figure of particular drug or test, ambulance transport chow etc)
.4. Keep agreement between health care providers and director on quality.
5. Add/ update/ delete specific health care provider record. 6. Record the case/ client feedback
7. Keep the record of the client.
8. Add/ update/ delete client.
9. Keep the record of case/ client order or request status.
10. Set the figure of croaker according to croakers qualification, experience and standingetc.
11. Manage the record of guests.
12. Manage client history.
13. Manage the standing of health care providers.
14. Deliver the order to the client/ case.
15. Admit the figure payment from a health care providers.
16. Shoot elevations to listed guests by offering abatements and elevations and also a standing of health care providers.
17. Manage profit and expenditure records.
18. Force operation record.
19. Keep a record of client feedback.
Health care service providers panel
The panel will do the following
1. Produce an account or register him/ herself on IEMHS
2. A health care service provider will subscribe in.
3. A health care service provider accept MHS Terms and conditions.
4. Add/ Update/ Cancel the service charges 5. Deliver the order to the client/ case
6. Admit payment.
Client panel
1. Produce an account or register him/ herself on IEMHS.
2. View the health care providers
3. View the rates/ prces
4. View the health care providers ranking.
5. Place the order by opting the mode of payment.
6. Confirm the order.
7. Cancel the order before attesting it.
8. Submit feedback.
Visual Studio,. NET Framework,C#/ Java, SQL Garçon

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