Maternity Home Automation Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Maternity Home Automation Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Desktop Application
Abstract/ Preface
Motherliness Home Robotization is especially designed for the purpose of fast and accurate results. As we know that there’s only single type of cases and may be visited further than formerly where we need former history of cases on precedence base. That’s why we need a system where when patient visit sanitarium for the first time the record of the case will be recorded in the patient history with patient id. Then we need ultra sound records also so ultrasound is also part of this system. The case will be checked if there’s a need to admit so patient will be admitted else not admitted.
If the patient need to be admitted so according to patient condition bed will be distributed before allotment system check for an empty bed.
After admission according to the croaker tradition and ultrasound affect the blood and all other conditions will be arranged for the case.
This system will give us a complete record of a case at every stage and if patient visit the Maternity Home formerly again so we’ve a complete record of a case which will be devisee for both case and croakers.
On the other hand cases do n’t need to carry reports for record. An effective and robust Motherliness Home Robotization plays a vital part in day to day handling of hospitals in moment fast pace world.
For the forenamed reasons scholars are assigned to develop a Motherliness Home Robotization with functional conditions mentioned below.
Functional Conditions
1. Registration
• The director can produce a new stoner ( Croaker or Admin Staff). • New stoner can login and logout.
2. Case Entry/ Checkout
Admin Assign ID to case
Croaker add, cancel or modify the Case details.
3. Ultrasound
• Croaker add, cancel or modify the patient history on the base of ultrasound.
4. Bed
• Croaker or Admin Staff can Allocate or DE allocate Bed for Cases • Update Case Information
5. Search
Croaker or Admin Staff can search for the needed Case detail grounded on name, idetc.
6. Report generation
Croaker and Admin Staff can induce report of Case or beds on the base of daily, daily and early Tools
. Python is obligatory.

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