MBA Projects List 2016

Finance Projects:
Working Capital management
Capital structure
Ratio analysis
Financial Modelling of a company for last 10 years, leading to a analysis of its ratios.
Liquidity Analysis
Comparative Valuation
Corporate lending
Industry analysis and company analysis on a scenario basis, competitiveness, growth potential and credit analysis
Debtor management
Research in Risk management, Banking, Derivatives etc
International Banking, Foreign Exchange, Monetary Economics, Micro Finance, Rural Finance
The Effects of Financial Constraints on Corporate Investment Decisions and Demand for Liquidity
Corporate finance
Capital budgeting
Virtual finance
Financial Planning and forecasting
Structured Finance
Computational finance
Optimization Methods in Finance
Dependence on external finance: an inherent industry characteristic?
Project Finance as a Tool for Growth
Creating Value through Financial Management
Cost Reduction and Control
New Financial Approaches for the Economic Sustainability in Manufacturing Industry
Activity-based costing and management
Fundamental Analysis to Assess Earnings Quality
EQA Earnings quality Analysis
Zero Base Budgeting
International business
International finance
Investment banking
Investment management
Venture Capital
HR Projects:
Performance Management System
Employee Welfare Measure
360 degree Appraisal
Quality of Wotk life
HRD Preactices
Factors determinig Job Satisafaction of Employees
Stress Management
Employee retention Techniques
Settlement of Grieveance(Do it in Manufacturing concern)
Workers Participation in Management.
Effectiveness of Training(Do it as Research Project)
Role of HRM Department in ERP (SAP/People soft)
Role of HRM Department in Growing Organization
Competency Mapping
Job evaluation
Employee satisfaction
Compensation review
360 degree feedback
Recruitment Process
General evaluation
Mapping training need of employees
Succession planning in Senior management
Retention strategy in a manufacturing set up
Marketing Projects:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Consumer Perception Survey
Service Quality Study
Service Blueprinting
Service Process Mapping – Back stage, on-stage
Improving service quality using service blueprinting
Competition Analysis
Service standards
Study on effectiveness of employee’s role in service delivery
Effectiveness of channels (distributors/ DSAs) in service delivery
Effectiveness of channels (on-line/ Internet) in service delivery
Customer Data Analysis
Study of Institutional markets
Effectiveness of promotion schemes
Measurement of Brand awareness and brand perception
Customer Loyalty study
Study of purchase influencing factors
Customer Profiling
Advertising effectiveness study