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Abstract/Introdu ction
Myride.com is a kind of classified website, on which we allow users to place their ads regarding their vehicle/motorcycle. Seller and buyer both can post their ads on it, but to post their ads they have to setup a free account. Seller can post ad for a motorcycle, car, jeep etc. which he/she wants to sell. Buyer can post ad about its demand about any type of vehicle and can also see the ads of different sellers. This kind of website is dynamic in nature where user interacts with this kind of website. Website also gives the facility of sending SMS alerts or emails to both the buyers and seller, for example a seller posts an ad for a car. Buyer likes this ad and give his/her offer to seller then this offer is sent to seller in the form of SMS alert or email alert. Similarly, in case of buyer, if buyer wants to buy a car or a motorcycle about which an ad is not yet available on the website, he/she posts the ad on site and if a seller has that particular car or motorcycle then that seller can send him/her SMS alert or email through this Website.
Functional Requirements:
10.User can view ads by city wise, area wise, or by minimum and maximum range of price
11.Website should also show the trend of most demanding vehicles and this trend and information should available somewhere on home page.
You cans use any langue like Python, Asp.net, PHP etc.