Online Application for New PTCL Internet Connection Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Online Application for New PTCL Internet Connection Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

In this project, we will build a web-based application named as “Online Application for New PTCL Internet Connection”, in which the user/client applies for the new Internet connection and the admin allocates the connection PTCL number, issue date and processes the connection request.

Similarly, the admin can generate the monthly bill and the user/client can pay the bill online.

Features of the proposed features:

Admin Panel features:

  1. The admin can login and logout.
  2. The admin can accept/reject user registration requests.
  3. The admin can view and accept/reject the new PTCL internet connection requests.
  4. The admin can generate the voucher for new installation charges.
  5. The admin can assign the new PTCL internet connection with (Requested internet speed (6 mb, 8 mb or 10 mb) ,Package price, Customer name ,Customer ID, Customer address , Customer mobile #, Acount ID, New PTCL number and issuance date.
  6. The admin can generate the monthly internet bill for the user and upload it on the user account. In the generation of monthly PTCL internet bill summary, the admin must enter the (Total internet useage, Billing month, Amount due, Due date, Amount after due date, Arrears, Credit, Service tax and
  7. The admin can view the users/clients uploaded paid vouchers and paid bills.
  8. The admin can view the users/clients’ complaints and take appropriate actions.

User/Client Panel features:

  1. The user/client will register by filling the provided registration form. In the registration form user related different information must be saved like, username, CNIC number, password, address, phone number etc.
  2. The user/client can login and logout.
  3. The user/client can apply for the New PTCL internet connection by clicking the button/link “New PTCL Internet Connection” and then fill the new connection form. The new connection form can contain different information such as, Username, CNIC number, Address, phone no, PTCL Internet connection speed (i.e. (6 mb, 8 mb or 10 mb) etc.
  4. After applying for the new internet connection, the user/client can view the voucher for new installation charges.
  5. The user/client can download the voucher.
  6. The user/client can upload the paid voucher.
  7. The user/client can view the new connection issuance summary such as, (New PTCL assigned number, Account ID,Connection speed, Package price, Customer name ,Customer ID, Customer address , Customer mobile #, Acount ID, and Issuance date ).
  8. The user/client can view/download his/her monthly bill.
  9. The user/client can pay the monthly bill online and upload the paid bill on the website.

10.In case of a complaint, the user/client can send the complaint to the admin.


XAMPP Server, MySQL, PHP language

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