RFID, GPS & GSM based Marathon Race Timer Display & Tracker Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

RFID, GPS & GSM based Marathon Race Timer Display & Tracker Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain / Category Digital Logic Design

Abstract / Introduction

We want to build a standalone race timer for one of the famous hill and trail runners group (Margalla Trail Runners).

The shown image is an example of RACE TIMER/CLOCK DEVICE, which is basically a LED based Clock Timer Display Unit. The unit will display the timer/count generally used to count the start and end timming of a race. We will include a mobile application, through which we can communicate with this display unit to Start, End the time for a race.

Secondly, you are required to design a tag having RFID and GPS Tags (Bonus Point Module) capability to read the racer START and STOP time using RFID tagging and Live Location Tracking using GPS module (Bonus Part).

Mobile Application must be able to communicate with TIMER DISPLAY UNIT to set the START and END time. Mobile application can have the RFID data for all RFID tags to get the racers timing details and as well as the GPS location tracking and plotting mechanism to plot the live location of all the racers through a Google Map.

For clarification, Timer Display Module, RFID & GPS Tag & Mobile application templates/samples are already attached.


Functional Requirements:

Our Complete System will have:

  • Timer/Clock Display Module:
    1. It will Display the timing details of the race, means it will start from 00:00:00 and will be stoped as per the signal from the Mobile Applciation.
    2. It will have a RFID reader module interfaced in it to read the RFID tags of the racers and will upload that data to the Mobile application.
    3. It will have a manual start, stop and reset button to work as a standalone as well.
    4. The unit will have a battery interfaced with charging mechanism to work as a portable unit.
  • RFID & GPS Tags:
    1. This module is a small multi purpose unit having a RFID tag that will be read but the Time/Clock Display Unit to count the racers completion time.
    2. It will have a bonus GPS & GSM based capability to transmit the GPS location to the Mobile application for the live racer tracking.
    3. Tags will have a small batteries having USB charging mechanism, one which generally used in Wireless Handfress and Ear Pods.
  • Mobile Application:
    1. The android based application must be able to communicate with Timer/Clock Display Unit, so that it can SET/START, END & RESET timings on the Display Unit.
    2. Application will be able to communicate the Timer/Clock Display Unit to get the details of RFID tags (Tags Start & End timing details) to get the racers positions in the complete race.
    3. Application can communicate with RFID & GPS Tags to get the real time GPS locations of the racers and will plot the locations on Google Map for the real time tracking.


It is an open project.

You can use any Mobile Application Development platform.

You can use any controller/any Single-Board Microcontroller kit.


Name: Waqar Ahmad


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