Voting System via Fingerprint Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Voting System via Fingerprint Test phase, srs, design phase and source code final deliverable

Project Domain/ Category Desktop Applications
Abstract/ Preface
The task of handling homemade voting system is tedious and frequently led to apparel claims by losing campaigners. In order to manage with this situation, we’re proposing a system where the namer will be authenticated through biometric, i.e., through their cutlet print and they will cast only one vote in the mentioned election. This system will give translucency and ease for conducting the election and the result of the election will be available incontinently. It’ll be a desktop operation have the following five modules/ features
1. Election Management
2. Campaigners
3. Choosers
4. Election
5. Result
There will be two druggies of the system, one is admin and the other bone is presiding officer. The admin can use all the below five features ( Election operation, seeker operation, namer’s operation, conducting election & results), still the presiding officer can view/ use only two factors of the operation, i.e., only Election and Result.
1. Election Management
In order to use this system first, the details about the election needs to be entered into the system. Admin has the right to add election details into the system. The following fields are used for adding new election in the system
ID—————————————————— (1)
Launch Date
End Date
Number of campaigners querying——————— (2)
After adding new election, it’s displayed on the same form in grid/ table form. The admin can modernize or cancel only new election (s) data. Old election (s) data ca n’t be streamlined or deleted.
2. Campaigners
The system will allow the admin to add campaigners into the system against particular election. The admin can add/ update/ cancel a particular seeker in the system. It’s important to note that the number of campaigners must be equal to the number of campaigners specified in equation (2) of “ 1. Election operation “ section. For illustration, if 3 querying campaigners are specified in “ 1. Election operation”, also the admin can add only three campaigners in this step and not more or not lower.
Following fields are used for seeker’s operation point
Select election ( Then mention election id from equation (1))
Seeker ID or CNIC
Name of seeker
After adding seeker, it’s displayed on the same form in grid/ table form with update and delete options.
3. Choosers
The system will allow the admin to add choosers into the system against particular election. The admin can add/ update/ cancel a particular namer in the system. Following fields are used for namer’s operation point
Select election ( Then mention election id from equation (1))
Voter CNIC
Name of namer
Mobile Number
Finger Publish————————————– (3)
After adding namer, top 10 most recent entered/ registered choosers need to be displayed on the same form in grid/ table with update and delete options. Also, the admin can search namer by CNIC on the same form in order to modernize or cancel if needed.
4. Election
The system will allow the presiding officer or the admin to conduct election. The election needs to be conducted on the due date mention for the election in “ 1. Election operation” section. After the presiding officer login into the system, s/ he will be allowed to use “ Election” and “ Result” features of the system.
The presiding officer will elect the election id entered in equation (1), the content, start and end dates of the election will be displayed on the form against election id (1).
The namer will place their cutlet on the point anthology device and the presiding officer will click “ Overlook Cutlet” button, the namer record (like Voter CNIC, Name, Photo, Finger print) will be displayed on the form against cutlet print registered in equation (3) of “ 3. Voter” section. All the querying campaigners are displayed on the form with their name and small image. The system won’t allow the namer to bounce two or further campaigners. Also, the system will allow the stoner to bounce for one time for a particular election.
After choosing one particular seeker the namer will click on “ VOTE” button, the confirms dialog will confirm from the namer and upon blessing the vote will be casted for the particular namer against the election id.
5. Result
The system will give the result of the election incontinently. First, they will choose the election against election id (1), the content, start and end dates of the election will be displayed on the form against election id (1).
All the querying campaigners’ names will be displayed in “ Seeker” group on the form while in “ Result” group, the count of votes against each seeker are mentioned on with the WINNER of the election.
Functional Conditions
The System will be desktop- grounded operation which will perform the following tasks
1. Election operation;
2. Campaigners operation;
3. Choosers operation; 4. Conducting election;
5. Result point.
You’re free to use any tool for the design handed that ALL the functional conditions are met duly.
The university won’t give any biometric device for this design; you need to buy the product on your own once you choose this design. The design won’t be accepted without point anthology device.

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